So I finally started a book club! I've been wanting to start or join a book club for a couple years now but was nervous about joining a club with a bunch of random people. Through my boyfriend I met some lovely ladies who were also excited about a book club. Then my boyfriend wanted to join and we recently added a 5th member.
I was super nervous to hold the first book club meeting because I didn't know if it would be boring or if people would actually enjoy themselves. In the end everyone had a great time. For our first meeting we read A Handmaid's Tale and then watched two episodes of the new show. I had a ton of questions for the group and talked about themes, our favorite parts, dislikes and likes. We even found time in the beginning to talk about our love for passion and bullet journaling. We all had a general consensus on how how felt about the book and were in agreement for the most part.
The next book we picked was The Thirteenth Tale. Niki started the discussion by apologizing for the book because I don't think any of us really liked it and she was the one who chose it.
We are now in the process of reading Uprooted (picked by Teonna) which I was pretty excited to read. I'm only 150ish pages in and I'm ready for it to get really exciting or for it to be over.
What I like about book club is that I get to discover new books and it's a safe and open space to talk about books with people I care about!
I post all the book club picks on my Instagram if anyone would like to follow our book journey!